Oh the irony!
"Doctors have found another use for the Nintendo Wii game console. In this case, they are using the Wii to help induce seizures to a patient to further study her episodes. The game help tire the patient which in turn helps to cause her episodes. The Wii provides a fun an enjoyable activity to distract this young child from the pressures of hospital life."
Like I said, I just posted it cause it's ironic :-)
-->> ..i hope i too die of 'Nintendinitis '..
But who needs a Wii when there's the Pokemon seizure episode? ^_^
-->> ..it's weird.. never actually seen anyone i know have a reaction to ' FLASHING ' and video games, ect. as far as seizures. I have friends with and a cousin with C P and we played video games all the time. The reactions were never like ' seizure - like ' playing any games that i recall.
Myself, i 've had mild seizures for well over 15 years and have been playing damm video games since i was like fucking 4 - 5 years old. Nothin' .. as far as far as my vidiotness goes. - - -
Outside of all the jokes
the sience must be very interesting in these regards..
The Pokemon seizure episode can definitely wig you out if you watch it in poor lighting. It wasn't specifically the flashing in the episode that caused the trouble, but the combination of colors, red and blue, that flashed together. Ever since then all anime has changed how they use special effects and they also now all carry disclaimers at the beginning about watching in good lighting. You can see some of the same effects in older anime, but the degree was never high enough to really make an impact.
-->> .. i recall , when the report came out about that episode, the news report showed the clip in question.
I must have been watching the report in good lighting.
They would have muted it to show it purposely on TV. And there were about three scenes that had the flashing effect, so it wasn't just the one time.
-->> ..send me the links so i can watch em in bad lighting.
I only have it on VHS, but I'll see if I can find a copy online somewhere.
I have a cousin that used to get seizures from flashing lights, including from video games. We had to monitor what he played when he came over.
Doctors tried for years to find a treatment, but failed. However, he found a new age treatment (the specifics escape me at the moment), and he hasn't had one in years.
-->> S, ..
my cuz had them since he was a baby too. The C P he had also pretty much crippled his left hand.
When we did play games he had to lay controllers on the floor, and he play one handed by using it while it was set at his side. Arcades he usually had to take the right side of the cabinet to play for the best use of the controls. He had very limited use of his left hand at the time.
For some reasons video games didn't effect him.
Movies did sometimes tho' .. i recall the effects of FLIGHT CLUB in the theater causing him problems.
Years back..a very risky brain surgery that took out the portion of his brain that caused the seizures seemed to do the tick for the most part.
And he hasn't had one since. Just slight ' feelings ' similar to the real bad ones he had when we were kids.
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